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br The sources of cholesterol secreted into bile Bile
The sources of cholesterol secreted into bile Bile formation is an osmotic process and solutes are actively transported into the canaliculus by primary active lipid transporters: ABCG5/G8 for biliary cholesterol secretion, ABCB4 for biliary phospholipid secretion, and ABCB11 for biliary bile acid
br Introducci n Las encendidas palabras de
Introducción Las encendidas palabras de fray Servando Teresa de Mier provienen del Discurso preliminar que acompaña la reedición de la Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, publicado en México en 1812. Fray Servando no duda en calificar al dominico, l
Tambi n los miembros del
También los miembros del mocase consideran que la cooptación es una estrategia permanente del gobierno, al señalar como ejemplo de ello la creación de espacios como la llamada “Mesa del Diálogo por la Tierra” o el Programa del Campo, calificados como “instrumentos para la cooptación de varias organi
Una condici n sine qua non es la institucionalizaci
Una condición sine qua non es la institucionalización de la autonomía de las fuerzas armadas respecto del poder civil, un rasgo específico, del militarismo latinoamericano que ha hecho del Estado de excepción, la norma. En Guatemala, la misma se remonta PR-619 Supplier la Constitución de 1945 y al e
O Comit de Reda o de
O Comitê de Redação de Araucaria de Chile, que o integrou permanentemente até sua última publicação em 1990, foi composto pelos seguintes intelectuais chilenos: Luis Bocaz, professor, crítico e ensaísta; Osvaldo Fernández, professor de filosofia; e o jornalista Luis Alberto Mansilla. O economista Al
br Comments Fig shows regular narrow QRS tachycardia
Comments Fig. 1 shows regular narrow QRS tachycardia with approximate buy d-tubocurarine rate of 130/min; ST elevations were recognized in leads V1–V4 and P wave appeared to be recorded by lead V1, but the other leads recorded positive large waves before each QRS complex. When observing an elect
br Panels A to D show
Panels A to D show intracardiac recordings of the HRA extrastimuli with A1A2 intervals of 320−290ms at a basic CL of 600ms. The AV conduction intervals were increased gradually rather than suddenly, so that an Ae with an A2–V2–Ae sequence could be provoked only at 310ms and 300ms, followed by no A
gssg Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between two (or more) atrial connections to the AV node. The fast AV nodal pathway (shortest conduction time) is formed by transitional cells crossing the tendon of Todaro superiorly. Two slow AV nodal pathways are formed by the rightward and leftward infer
A year old man was hospitalized following a first syncope
A 36-year-old man was hospitalized following a first syncope attack while awake at night. No history of sudden death was reported in his family. On arrival, his consciousness was clear and his vital signs were stable. An electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm with ST-segment elevations and J wa
Fig D illustrates a long lasting and relatively stable rotor
Fig. 4D illustrates a long-lasting and relatively stable rotor with a stationary PS trajectory after perfusion of ryanodine (10μM), which was used to abolish triggered activity in the setting of ACS. Taken together, these results indicate that in the presence of ACS, SRAF is governed by an evolving
Hydrogen peroxide H O is shown to readily promote
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is shown to readily promote EADs and triggered activity in isolated rat and rabbit ventricular myocytes by increasing both the L-type Ca channel (ICa-L) and late sodium currents (INa-L) [31–35]. However, this same stress fails to cause EADs in normal non-fibrotic cardiac tis
The appearance of J wave or ER
The appearance of J wave or ER is now recognized to predispose to the development of arrhythmogenesis when associated with other cardiac disorders, such as ischemia, l-ascorbic acid failure, and hypothermia. The J wave might predict prognosis of cardiac events in various heart diseases, and the app
En su primera entrega para en la pantalla de
En su primera entrega para “ en la pantalla” (3 de septiembre) Luis Cardoza establece matizadamente los parámetros sobre “la crítica” y lo que para él representa la cinematografía como expresión estética; los lineamientos observados de antemano explican sus continuas confrontaciones con el medio. Pu
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